If you want some more explanation about options under Color menu, you can go to the More Glow Colors in PowerPoint 2016 tutorial. Here you can choose any color for the glow. Click the Color button to access a fly out menu (see Figure 5).

Within the Drawing Tools Format tab, click the Shape Effects button (highlighted in red within Figure 2). Activate this Ribbon tab by clicking on it.

Select the shape with a Glow applied, so that the Ribbon area shows the Drawing Tools Format tab, as shown highlighted in blue within Figure 2.In this tutorial, you'll learn to access the advanced Glow Options in PowerPoint 2016 for Windows, that makes all these changes possible:

In Figure 1, below you can see how changes made to the Glow effect's spread and transparency can help you end up with some cool, surreal results. So if you want to make some changes, you have to step outside these defaults and change the glow color, alter the spread or transparency, etc. You may find that the Glow effect defaults just do not work for you all the time, especially since the default glow options are limited only to Theme Colors. Applying a Glow effect adds a nice halo around a selected shape or most other slide objects.